Anti-corrosion treatment and testing of tanks after erection
Request a quote for tank anti-corrosion treatment
Anti-corrosion treatment process
After completion of erection works, the surfaces cleaning and further anti-corrosion primer treatment are performed.
Prior to tanks commissioning, hydraulic tests for tightness and strength are carried out: vertical tanks are filled with water to the design level, horizontal and spherical tanks are filled with water under the pressure exceeding the working pressure.
The roof is checked by pouring water up to the roof level, which increases the internal pressure on the roof.
All petroleum derived organic residues were removed by pumps and used by the Client as feedstock in main production processes, and the whole scope of works was performed in accordance with high quality standards and within the agreed timeframe. The technology of tank solid sludge cleaning, developed and implemented by NNIAT LLC, is safe, cost effective, environmentally friendly, reduces work performance time, and can be recommended for wide use.
Organic part of the sludge was completely removed by pumps and disposed by transportation by the Client tank trucks. The whole scope of works was performed in accordance with high quality standards and within the agreed timeframe. The tank is prepared for hot works.
The whole scope of cleaning operations was performed in accordance with high quality standards and ahead of schedule. The tank solid sludge cleaning technology, developed and implemented by NNIAT LLC, can be recommended for wide application.
All petroleum derived organic residues were removed by pumps and used by the Client as feedstock, and the whole scope of works was performed in accordance with high quality standards and within the agreed timeframe.
The new technology of tank solid sludge cleaning, developed and implemented by NNIAT LLC, is safe, cost effective, environmentally friendly, reduces work performance time, and can be recommended for wide use.
Oil sludge tank cleaning technology, developed and applied by NNIAT LLC, is cost effective and safe.
Licenses and certificates

Guaranteed safety at the facility
Works at the facility are performed in compliance with safety requirements established by the Russian Federation laws, international standards, as well as safety requirements of the Client.
NNIAT LLC is licensed by RosTechNadzor (RTN) for the operation of industrial facilities with explosion, fire and chemical hazards of I, II and III class. Occupational health and Industrial safety Management system is in compliance with OHSAS 18001 requirements.
The personnel is duly qualified and certified, undergoes all the necessary types of trainings, briefings, internships and knowledge assessments. The personnel is fully equipped with personal and collective protective equipment, undergoes preliminary and regular medical examination.
Tank cleaning is carried out under a patented technology that minimizes the risks of incidents and accidents.
Request a quote for tank anti-corrosion treatment
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