
Statement of SRO survey work dated December 18, 2020

Statement of SRO project work dated December 18, 2020

Statement of SRO construction works dated December 21, 2020

License №ВХ-40-008236 dated August 31, 2015 for operation on exploitation of explosive/flammable and chemically hazardous production facilities of I, II and III hazard classes.

Certificate №61А101098 dated March 01, 2019 on certification in a unified system of conformity assessment in the field of industrial, environmental safety, safety in the energy sector and construction.

License №52-Б/00350 (№52-B/00350) dated July 17, 2015 for operation on mounting, technical maintenance and repair of fire safety devices of buildings and facilities.

Certificate of conformity № POCC RU.3745.04УЛЛ0 / СЭМ.113-13 (№ ROSS RU.3745.04ULL0 / SEМ.113-13)GOST RISO 14001:2004

Certificate of conformity № POCC RU.3745.04УЛЛ0 / СМК.491-13 (№ROSS RU.3745.04ULL0 / SМК.491-13) GOST ISO 9001:2008

Certificate of conformity №РОСС RU.3745.04УЛЛО/СУОТ.768-20 dated January 17, 2020.

Certificate of conformity 000004G.01A.2013.ARM (ISO 50001:2011) dated December 06, 2019

Certificate of conformity VCS-IST.SS.RU.0089.02.19 (ISO 31000:2009) dated February 19, 19

Certificate №ИЛ/ЛРИ-01023 – Certificate of certification of the laboratory of destructive testing methods of LLC «NIPT»

The license for activity implementation on radioactive waste management No. 077 085 dated 15 February 2016

License to perform works associated with the use of information classified as state secret